Anima Mea

my soul is a blue sky with wind rushing through it
my soul is a chamber in which I am safe

when my soul dances, she laughs with delight
like an undamaged child

my soul knows where to seek the light
she loves the stars in darkness
she knows the light is ever-changing

in her pockets
my soul carries words and acorns and small stones

my soul stands silently among the trees
she drinks the rain; she sways in the wind
she trusts the rhythm of the days

my soul knows how to fly, and she can sing
but when she feels sad or forsaken
she creeps into a crevice, mute
like a lost frightened bird

what calls her out again?

the music of trees in the wind
a change in the light
a new shade of blue in the sky
the cool brief fragrance of viburnum
green leaves translucent in the sun
the shape of a bur oak in winter
a flock of crows, an unseen owl
a sparrow in the grass

any of the ten thousand things

A shriveled brown leaf, half of a nut shell, a dry light orange leaf, and two pieces of nut shell showing the green outside, all lying across a dead log. A small grayish-brown mushroom appears near the top, just right of center.

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