Déjà vécu
I’d never heard of déjà vécu before, but according to this article from the New York Times Magazine, it’s an especially intense and/or recurring ver...
I’d never heard of déjà vécu before, but according to this article from the New York Times Magazine, it’s an especially intense and/or recurring ver...
Hardly anyone wants to grow old (although it beats the only available alternative), but the results of a recent survey indicate that, contrary to popular belief...
I just finished reading Judith Rich Harris’s new book No Two Alike: Human Nature and Human Individuality. Harris is an independent scholar whose controver...
To some extent, who we are is who we remember being. (I am crudely paraphrasing someone, I think John Locke.) A couple of researchers at Concordia University re...
My earliest memory goes back to when I was three years old and my parents brought my little sister home from the hospital (at least that’s the earliest on...
I recently read On Desire: Why We Want What We Want, by William B. Irvine. The subject is related to happiness, because getting (or not getting) what we want or...
Edge has recently posted an essay by Daniel Gilbert, a researcher whose subject is happiness. Among other things, Gilbert talks about why the study of happiness...
I’m in the process of buying a house, which is why I’ve been blogging a little less frequently. This week the house was inspected and a major proble...
This essay from The Edge examines the prospects for the emergence of a third culture in which the natural sciences join the humanities in explaining why we feel...
Late Thursday night, five singers, students at IU’s Jacobs School of Music, were killed when their plane crashed coming into Bloomington’s airport. ...