Gene enhancement: Is it nice to fool mother nature?
This afternoon I heard Ronald Green, an ethicist from Dartmouth, give the 2006 Sims Lecture for the Poynter Center on the IU Bloomington campus. His topic was &...
This afternoon I heard Ronald Green, an ethicist from Dartmouth, give the 2006 Sims Lecture for the Poynter Center on the IU Bloomington campus. His topic was &...
Several years ago my son was watching a nature program on TV while I was doing housework. As I moved in and out of the living room, all I caught was an occasion...
Sometimes I have a terrible time making a decision. I remember when I was younger being advised to make lists of the pros and cons for each side and then someho...
You know how time can shrink and expand in your brain; there are times at work when I look at my watch and it’s 2:30, and then I look again what seems lik...
It seems a bit strange, but somehow I’ve lived all these years without reading or seeing Thornton Wilder’s play Our Town until this afternoon. I had...
This article from the New York Times (free registration required) investigates the phenomenon of cuteness. You wouldn’t necessarily think this would be al...
Jared Diamond described humans as “the third chimpanzee” in his book with that title, written 20-some years ago. Frans de Waal, an eminent primatolo...
One of the things I’ve always liked about Bloomington is the way you can hear birds singing. No matter what part of town I’ve lived in, it seems lik...
This press release from Princeton describes some research into what happens in the brain during the act of remembering. Volunteers were shown a series of pictur...
I recently learned that there are ways you can send an email message to yourself on some specified date and time in the near or far future. Leaving aside questi...