A time when aging stops
This seems like it’s only the start of a story, but it’s intriguing. Evidently researchers have found that there’s a falling-off in the aging ...
This seems like it’s only the start of a story, but it’s intriguing. Evidently researchers have found that there’s a falling-off in the aging ...
This is an interesting essay from The Edge by Daniel Gilbert about how several quirks of our psychology can lead us to explain things in terms of supernatural p...
David Buller has written a book, Adapting Minds, which critically examines some of the claims of evolutionary psychology. He’s summarized three of his ana...
I closed an earlier essay (That time of year) with a quote about the curious blend of terror and exhilaration that the contemplation of deep time can bring. On ...
I went to hear Albert Bandura give a talk this afternoon on “Moral disengagement in the perpetration of inhumanities.” Bandura holds the David Starr...
One component of type A behavior is hostility. A recent study of more than 3,000 people showed that while the distribution of different levels of hostility was ...
I just got back from an excellent production of Macbeth at Indiana University. When I think of Macbeth, I think of ambition, the lust for power, and violence (a...
I read a kind of a peculiar story from Wired News. A company called Biopresence is working on a way to create living memorials by adding human DNA from a dead p...
That time of year thou mayst in me behold When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang… Shakespeare’s sonnet compares human aging with the aging of ...
What is the goal of conservation biology or environmental activism? (Or to put it more generally, what is our obligation toward nature?) If the goal is to prese...