If Deer Used Yelp

928 Easy St.: The hostas are to die for. However, some of them have little plastic clips on them that smell vaguely of garlic. Not a big deal, but watch out so you don’t eat the clips. You could chip a tooth.

672 State Ave.: I ate the crocus here and got sick, plus the serving sizes were very small. Great tulips, though, if you can beat the rabbits to them.

567 Main St.: Come for the sedum, stay for the hostas. Every couple of weeks I notice a faint smell of coyote pee, which is weird; I’ve never seen a coyote around here. Still, great place for a family night out.

453 Daisy Lane: Even if all you’re after is an appetizer, someone is apt to come out of the house waving a broom and yelling. Go at night.

137 Oak St.: Full range of garden greens and luscious hostas. Occasionally I get a whiff of rotten eggs, but with this much crunchy green goodness, who cares?

248 Elm Ave.: Great food, and there’s some gym equipment here too. Jump the fence coming and going, and you can justify eating some yummy lilies for dessert.

I wrote this a few years ago and was reminded of it yesterday when someone commented on the sad state of my hostas. I used to try various deer repellents, but I’ve given that up. This may be the year I dig all the hostas out and replace them with something that deer don’t fancy (whatever that might be).

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