Remember Me as a Shade of Blue

When I die
I’d like to be absorbed
into the color blue

to become
the dusty color of a blueberry
the blue of Lake Michigan on a sunny day, or the sea
aquamarine, turquoise, star sapphire
lobelia, lupine, chicory
the faint trace of blue veins under skin

blue moons, blue hours
the midnight blue in a child’s box of crayons

the pale blue of a robin’s egg
or a booby’s feet
the iridescent blue of a butterfly’s wings
the electric blue of a skink’s tail
the brilliance of a peacock’s breast
the blues of birds cerulean, azure, and indigo

and oh! the sky
countless blues, subtle gradients
spilling into each other
every shade of twilight
the most generous of blues
abundant, profligate

you will never run out
of places to find me

Blue sky with a thin layer of clouds near the horizon. Beneath the sky, Lake Michigan, also blue, and light-colored sand.
Lake Michigan, May 1, 2024


  1. Hello
    I love this poem. I have copied it in my art journal. Thank you for sharing your poetry. This poem is to me like a response to another poem by Lucille Clifton (1936-2010): There is a girl inside (1977)
    Blue Raven

    1. Thanks so much! I’m sorry I didn’t see your comment earlier, and I’m so glad you enjoyed the poem. I didn’t know that poem by Lucille Clifton, but I looked it up, and I love it!

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